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May We Wait

May We Wait

It is the morning after Christmas. At this point, all the gifts are unwrapped and opened. We’ve oohed and ahhed over each and tried them on and played with them and laughed over them. For all those who need to know, there are only 363 days 15 hours 17 minutes...
When the uproar is over …

When the uproar is over …

(picture from Wikipedia – public domain) It is so easy to jump on the band wagon. You know the band wagon effect …. to do or say or think a particular way because everyone else is doing so to go along with a popular trend to go along with the crowd The...

Who Is Coming To Town?

No matter how hard we may try, it is pretty difficult to separate ourselves from the entire concept of Santa Claus. Everywhere we go this time of year, he appears – every mall has one, Christmas cards are decorated with him, story books, movies & yes, we...
The Table & Waiting

The Table & Waiting

Communion matters to me. Deeply. I am not even sure what has caused me to think about this for the last few weeks. It started at VBS with a donated loaf of bread from Panera. It looked exactly like the loaf of bread used for Communion when I was growing up. My dad...

Are You Sure?

Yesterday I babysat the girls so that Lisa could go to her eye doctor appointment “child free”. During that time frame, I played with Sophia, gave her lunch, & when the time came, put her in for her nap. She quickly realized that I had not put her in...