by Joanne | Apr 14, 2013 | Prayer
This is a prayer of David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a British evangelical leader…. “O Lord our God, have mercy upon us. Forgive us especially; we pray thee again, for our folly – for our foolish talking about our century and the ‘modern man’, as if anything...
by Joanne | Feb 26, 2013 | Book Reviews, Devoted Living, Encouragement
Lies. I so dislike them. I hate when someone, anyone lies to me. On the flip side, this strong distaste also means that I am very much aware of & guard myself on telling lies to others. I even have a hard time with embellishing a story. My kids grew up knowing my...
by Joanne | Jun 23, 2011 | Encouragement
Want to know the most important song we will probably ever learn in our lifetime? JESUS LOVES ME. If we have attended church as young kids, we have sung this song numerous times. It contains truths that, if we hold onto them, will enable us to walk through this life...