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We’re All Neighbors {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

As I shared in June in this post, every once in a while I read a few pages from my Mr. Rogers book, as there is always a lesson to be learned from him. These are the words I’m pondering lately: “We’re all neighbors. Everybody’s different. And...

Do You Go Beyond?

The Good Samaritan – we all want to be thought of as one. So let’s take a look at this familiar story as told by Jesus in Luke 10:30 -37. A man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers who beat him, stripped him of his things, and...

Day 20: Who Was The Neighbor?

Neighbors. They sure can bring out the best, or the worst, in any of us. They can be difficult to get along with or a delight to see each day. We often define neighbor as those living on each side of our own home, or at the very least, in close proximity. Jesus, in...