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Love, Storms and The Bread of Life

Another week spending time in 40 Days with Jesus, and it is amazing how familiar stories can still bring new insights. We find the story of Nicodemus in John 3:1-17. In these 17 verses, Jesus says, “Truly, truly” to him 3X. I am not sure I ever noticed...

Whirlwinds & Storms {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

There has been some strange weather patterns all across the country. But then, there has been some storms that have swept over all of our lives the last few years. And that brought one line in Nahum to mind … “In whirlwind and storm is His way, And clouds...

Help, I’m Drowning

The other day in was talking with a dear friend of many years,  she spoke the words I had been thinking, “Life is so hard.” When we were moms of little ones, we thought those challenges were difficult. But now the years have passed, our children are...

Over to the Other Side

“On that day, when evening came, He said to them, “Let us go over to the other side.” (Mark 4:35, NASB) “Even though we follow Christ’s command, we should not expect to escape the storm … Christ may delay coming to us during our times of...

Of Earthquakes & Storms

The past year has been a challenging time for our world. Difficulties have been faced to some degree or another; situations which were completely unexpected or even not at all welcomed. Some may have had their lives shaken to the core of their being. This brought the...