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Mustard Seeds & Saplings

This morning I watched as the sun came up over the corner of our property, and remembered the day we planted the tree which sits in that same corner. It was the first summer we had bought our house – 28 years ago now. Our yard seemed huge to this Bronx girl who had...

Using Our Days Wisely

That the desires of the heart are to examined and governed “My Son, thou hast still many things to learn, which thou has not well learned yet.” What are they, Lord? (The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis, The Third Book,  Chapter 11, page 65) There is much...

Stages of The Soul

We long for a deeper relationship with God and to grow spiritually. In her book, Stages of The Soul, Nancy Kane helps us to understand and identify five stages of spiritual growth. In a most encouraging and gentle way, the author defines and understanding to the way...

True You

True You by Michelle DeRusha is a book that takes us on a journey. The author brings us, the readers, along her path of discovering her true self and purpose in God. Her journey is rich with gardening analogies of trees and leaves and beauty. She weaves stories to...

True You

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to read True You by Michelle DeRusha as a member of her launch team. Today I am excited to have the author share an excerpt here. What a Japanese Pruning Technique Can Teach Us about Our Own Souls Two years ago on a warm June...