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Let’s Grow & Mature {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

If you have raised children, you probably already know what I am going to share … Potty training is a most challenging task. Everyone makes it sound like all children turn a particular age and magically become potty trained. And for some, it may be true as there are...

What Are We To Accept?

These days there is much talk about acceptance. Turning to for the definition, I read … “to take or receive something offered; to agree or consent to; to respond or answer affirmatively to.” As I sit with the definitions before me, the question...

Dust & Potential

“Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our form; He is mindful that we are nothing but dust.” (Psalm 103:13-14, NASB) “Our God remembers what we often forget … He...

Unexpected Beauty & Marvel

There are days when God shows up in ways that we did not expect and surely did not deserve. On those days, He leaves us breathless, our hearts full of emotion and our mouths filled with praise. Some days we lay big requests before Him. They are big in our estimation...

Kingdom Values: Character > Chaos

In these days when so much is changing in our world and society, how are we to live? What are the truths we are to hold onto? In his latest book, “Kingdom Values: Character > Chaos”, author Tony Evans shares his thoughts on these very questions. He...