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Pray in Secret

We continue on in The Path of Prayer this week as we look at the idea of praying in secret. “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I...

Learning to Pray

Last Monday I mentioned the book “The Path of Prayer” by Samuel Chadwick, and will continue to share from the book for several weeks. Prayer seems to come so easily to some and can be intimidating to others. Yet even the disciples came to Jesus with a request:...

The Heart of Prayer

Prayer. It is a part of our lives as believers. As much as it is written about, there remains much to yet be learned. Recently, “The Path of Prayer” by Samuel Chadwick came across my path. For the next several weeks, let’s visit the book and see what can be...

Call Upon Him

“And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered …” (Joel 2:32, NASB) “So why don’t I call on His name? Why do I run to this person or that person, when God is near and will hear my faintest call? Why...

That They May Know

Prayer. Some days we pray big prayers. Some days our requests are smaller. Tucked within the pages of 1 Kings we find Elijah and he’s involved in a showdown between the gods of Baal and the One True God. A sacrifice is prepared and first up are the prophets of...