by Joanne | Jun 3, 2019 | Encouragement
I have always enjoyed a good commercial. They can bring laughter, and an exceptionally good one will be thought provoking. Such is a virtual assistant commercial which has been in my thoughts since the first time viewed. It shows a young girl returning home from...
by Joanne | Aug 15, 2018 | Book Reviews
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4;8,...
by Joanne | Jul 2, 2015 | Encouragement
I am probably more of a chicken in life than I would care to admit. A simple car ride was all I needed to show me the depths to which my “chickenhood” had fallen … The other morning, I got in my car to go where I have now gone numerous times. I set...
by Joanne | Feb 16, 2015 | Devoted Living
This past week of study was spent on dissecting Colossians 3:1-17. There is much goodness wrapped up in those verses so I encourage you to take the time to read all of them for yourself. As for me, the timing was such that there were no better verses for me to settle...
by Joanne | Nov 3, 2014 | Encouragement
I had been wearing eye glasses for several years in order to read more easily. The words began to get too small and quite frankly my arms too short 🙂 Then I began to notice things were not so clear off in the distance any longer. For a girl who prided herself on being...