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Breathe and Love

With Jocelyn now being “on the go ” each day, I was reminded of a post I had written about two years ago. While written with moms of little ones in mind, they truly do apply for any stage of parenting. And so, here is that post, somewhat edited…....

Our Lives Teach

I finished reading “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown a while ago. The book yet remains on my desk. It is that good. I find myself flipping through the pages because I know that my eyes will land on words that will inspire me and challenge me. To grow. To...
The Only One

The Only One

Dear Weary Mom – You knew the day would come when you would release her to school. Full time school to be specific. Pre-school was easy as there were still days she was home all day with you. But this, well, this is different. Now she is gone all day, every day....
The Only One

Motherhood & Sheaves

Dear Weary Mom – Years ago, when I was in the throes of toddlerhood & probably complaining about the “terrible two’s, someone responded, “Little children, little problems. Big children, big problems.” I never forgot that. It really...
The Only One

We Are All Flawed

So Weary Mom – In thinking about you & knowing a blog needed to be written, I questioned what to write. In myself, I had nothing to offer today. And then I read these words in my book: But praise God – as far as  we fall, we will never fall further...