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A Pathway in the Wilderness

Many stories in the Bible are told often and become familiar to us. The story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar is one such story , told often, and known to many of us. Abraham and Sarah were unable to have children and are getting along in age. God has made a promise to...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Purpose. I have had the privilege of watching all three of our granddaughters until they started school. One thing has remained...

Ten Words to Live By

  The Ten Commandments. Sunday School brought them to life for me with flannel graph images of Moses carrying the tablets of stone down from the mountain. But I have to admit, reading this book brought fresh and meaningful insights which gave me a new...

Love, Trust, and Abide

Last week was a good week of thought provoking devotional readings beginning with Ecclesiastes 12:13 and Matthew 22:34-40. I confess … I have loved the Matthew portion since hearing Beth Moore teach on it many years ago now. But I don’t remember reading...

God. Plan. Move.

This past week, we began the Hello Morning’s study – God. Plan. Move – covering three core components of a good morning routine. We all need to determine in our hearts to meet with Him, to stay the course, and grow in God. In reading Psalm 143:8 and...