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Rest, Comfort & Joy

These days before Christmas can find us totally engulfed in shopping and decorating and writing out Christmas cards. Oh, and then there’s the baking and the wrapping of gifts. How could I forget the office parties, the visiting of friends and family, the gift...

When It Becomes Celebration

Have you noticed that life can be difficult? There is not one of us that has not faced our share of pain, heartaches, fears, rejections, betrayal, challenges or insults. We all face them at one point in time or another and thankfully, not on the same day. There are...

Lessons From A Sigh

{Sigh} You know what I am talking about. For me, it occurred yesterday around the time of 1:15PM. I had just laid Jocelyn down for her nap. Sophia was also laying down. {Sigh} defines it as:  “to let out one’s breath audibly, as from...
Lessons From A Joyride

Lessons From A Joyride

I get the privilege of picking Sophia up from school two days a week. The conversation home is always a special treat – for me. But then, I have always loved my conversations with both of my children on the ride home from school. Those were special years to me....

Let The Joy Return!

We all have heard the expression, “Confession is good for the soul.” King David knew this very well from experience. He was the king who sent his troops into battle against their enemy, the Ammoniites, while he remained at home in his palace. While at home, he...