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Live Free & Unhindered

Live Free & Unhindered

Decisions have never come easily to me. I tend to process slowly and deeply, which has its pros and cons. Once made, a single decision can change the entire direction of one’s life. So we want to make the right choices and feel confident the outcome will be good. We...

The Joy of Advent

In looking back over the last week in the Bible Study, Hope Has Come, I realized how a song came to mind for each reading … Our first reading last week was Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 6:5-7. We are looking at creation and there were several sentences from the study...

When A King Asked For Wisdom

Tucked away in the pages of 1 Kings, I find the story of a king who has a dream one night in which God asks him, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!” King Solomon acknowledges he was made king because his father, David, was honest and true...

Of Fear, Thankfulness & Wisdom

As the week came to a close, I breathed a sigh of relief, “We made it through another week!” Leaving all our opinions to the side, the one thing I have been reminded of is that this is why we are praying for our families and friends this month. Seriously,...

For This New School Year

School days will be shortly upon us here in New England. In other parts of the country, many have already returned. My thoughts turned to a car conversation a few years ago and the topic was “best friends”. It weighed heavy on a little girl’s heart that day. For...