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Life, Battles, and Hope!

Last week we brought our study of Romans to a close for now. We’ll resume with the remainder of the book after the new year. We began our last week with Romans 8:5-8 with a look at the flesh and the Spirit. Paul makes it pretty clear we are either living...

Wait With Perseverance {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

My one word 2022 was “Wait”. It was before me often at the start of the year and then became quieter, sporadic. Interestingly, it has begun to reappear more often in this season. Autumn – the season when everything is dying, becoming quieter, my one...

At the Cross

The book of Romans continues to be a powerful journey … Our first reading was Romans 5:1-2. The topic = Salvation. There were so many powerful thoughts in the study (Romans: The Gospel of Grace by The Daily Grace Co.), but this one stood out: “The greatest...

Three Benedictions For You

One of the resources included in the Bible Study, The Lord’s Prayer by The Daily Grace Co. is a list of benedictions found in Scripture. We are taking two weeks to go through them one by one … ~*~*~  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and...

A Dream and Promise of Hope

Dreams … “According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average person dreams four to six times per night. You might spend as much as 2 hours in dreamland over the course of a night’s sleep, reports the National Institutes of Health.” (from this article...