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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Help. The word prompt brings to mind one of my favorite psalms – Psalm 121. God’s people made the trip to Jerusalem three times a...


It’s Friday! I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Many of us writing on that same word. Today’s prompt is … Help. I am in need of help this morning. We are in a situation where we will make a decision and...

He Comes

I heard on the news of an eighty year old woman who slipped on ice, fell into a snowbank and was stuck there, unable to get up, for three hours. Thankfully she lived next door to a fire station and eventually a fireman heard her cries and came to her rescue. Notice...

Unending Help

I think we can often forget just how much God, indeed, does do for us each and every day. And so today, I am sharing this little reminder … May the Strength of God guide us. May the Power of God preserve us. May the Wisdom of God instruct us. May the Hand of God...

A Leap Of Faith!

So I have taken a leap of faith & now I need your help. I submitted my post, “A Weary Mom, A Sacred Meal”, to @causepub to raise money for Blood Water Mission. Now I need your help! Would you consider voting for my story? The acceptance into this...