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Our Hope and Help {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Our Hope and Help {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

When you have grown up going to church from a very young age, you come to make a most important discovery. Every once in a while, whether in Sunday School or in church, it would be a time of sharing a memorized Scripture. One would stand and quote the verse, from...
He Comes to Help

He Comes to Help

I always wanted to be a mother, so when I was pregnant with our first, I was more than delighted. Nine months of anticipation was a wonderful time for us. Nothing could have prepared me for what would lie ahead – a colicky baby. She cried from the early morning until...
Our Battle With Fear

Our Battle With Fear

Fear is a well known emotion for me. It has held me back many a time, and combined with an active imagination, almost anything can get its grip on my thoughts. Public speaking does not come easily or comfortably. Even while in school, given the opportunity to give an...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Lift. Lift is defined as “to move or support to a higher position. Jesus in talking with Nicodemus says: “As Moses...