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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Endure. Upon seeing the word prompt, Psalm 136 comes to mind. It is there we find the words, “His loved endures forever”. Those...

Good & Beneficial For All

This past week we completed the sixth and final week of the study, Faithful Household of God. The time has passed both slowly and quickly at the same time. The lessons learned have been applicable and needed in these days we are living. ~*~*~ We began the week with...

Faithful Utensils of Grace

We’re in the fifth week of the study, “Faithful Household of God” which brought wonderful and needed thoughts … ~*~*~ In 2 Timothy 2:20-26, Paul talks about being expensive utensils, utensils that are cherished and loved. We want our lives to...

Our Sun & Shield

These weeks of being under a stay-at-home order have been hard. But probably not as hard as it is for moms who don’t manage a moment’s time for themselves. Working, homeschooling, and trying to keep up with the normal responsibilities  of a home can be...


As a person who has often put her tail between her legs and run, I have so been encouraged in reading Stay by Anjuli Paschall. Our humanness will, most times, call us to run from pain and to avoid the hard. In the middle of a pandemic, we have no choice but to stay...