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Help, I’m Drowning

The other day in was talking with a dear friend of many years,  she spoke the words I had been thinking, “Life is so hard.” When we were moms of little ones, we thought those challenges were difficult. But now the years have passed, our children are...

Humility, Gratitude, and Guidance

Last week our morning group began the Hello Mornings Study, Then I Will Go . In the coming four weeks, we hope to learn lessons from the book of Esther on Obedience, Victory, and God’s Providence. We began with reading 2 Chronicles 36:11-21. I read it the first...

Provision, Gratitude & Grace

The rain this month has been unbelievable. Yet our yard has not experienced any pooling which speaks to me of how dry everything has been. It also tells me how we need to be watered in God’s Word each and every day. The week began with reading of the Widow of...

This Week in Scriptures

Currently our morning Bible Study group is on a short break. To stay connected to Scripture and each other, we post a Scripture each morning to encourage one another … ~*~*~ “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.” (Luke 6:31, NASB)...

Grace & Much More

The book of Romans continues to hold a rich storehouse of encouragement. We began the week with reading Romans 5:1-5. I was struck by two things as I read: It is by grace that we stand and we have the ability to rejoice in hope. Paul tells us there are specific...