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It’s All Him

  These days of sunshine have brought us back outside to play and we’re loving it. The past week has found us in the driveway shooting baskets. It was one of our favorite pastimes with our own children and our two granddaughters are beginning to find...

The Challenge

There was a photo of a beautiful flower on Facebook and she asked, “Does anyone know what this is?” I replied, “A columbine flower.” Seemed harmless enough until I then was tagged to do a seven day photo challenge to find beauty out of my door....

Jesus Loves Me

I recently found myself reading in Hosea. It is a beautiful story of how Hosea loves his wife, who is unfaithful to him. Not only unfaithful, she prostitutes herself – making herself difficult to love and an embarrassment to Hosea, a prophet. But Hosea woos...

His Faithful Love

I sat down again to look over the Scriptures I’ve been drawn to read repeatedly over the last week … “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1, NLT) In this psalm, the psalmist stated, “His...

Never Forgotten. Always Loved.

As your Shepherd the Lord is Always watching … Always keeping … Always providing … Always defending … Never forsaking. You are never forgotten … always loved! (from Always Loved by Roy Lessin, page 101)   “Now all glory to God,...