by Joanne | Sep 23, 2020 | Encouragement
For the last week, I have had a woman and her story weaving her way through my thoughts. She’d been ill for twelve years. Suffering with a constant bleeding. As if that were not enough, she had suffered from the hands of many doctors who tried to help her to no...
by Joanne | Aug 12, 2020 | Prayer
In reflecting upon the last few months, the word “unprecedented” kept returning to my thoughts. I thought it might be time to revisit these words … “On the day the Lord gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the Lord...
by Joanne | Jul 13, 2018 | Encouragement
Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Done. Seeing the word prompt last night, I headed to bed with no intent of writing. But this morning, I find I am yet reflecting on the word. Done – to be...
by Joanne | Oct 6, 2014 | Prayer
Most of pray every day. We pray quick at the start of our day or in the car or at meals or in the midst of a daily stress. We pray when a friend calls in need. Or how about when we listen to the news at noon? But there really is a difference in praying for something...
by Joanne | Sep 29, 2013 | Prayer
Yes, I do. I collect prayers. Old ones. More recent ones. Prayers are personal. Prayers are meaningful words. Prayers speak to my heart as they are one’s communication with our God. I am not sure how long ago I read this one but this week it came back to mind....