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The Picker-Upper

The Picker-Upper

Friends. They come in every size and shape. Some are extroverts, while others remain introverted. There are the active athletes and the sedentary bookworms. And then there are those who are fun to be around. The ones who make us laugh and enjoy the moment, even when...

5: Of Friendship, Prayer & Serving

We all have made it through a week of snow, school and work cancellations, and chopping ice dams. Look at this way, we are a week closer to the arrival of spring 🙂 Let me share with you a few reads I enjoyed over the week: 1) Our stories matter. We look back at our...

What Makes a Friend?

Today I am sharing a post from 2012 which I have edited…. One day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law, who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem, were sitting there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to...

Unshakable and Assured

We try to get together at least one night a week. I drive the short distance to her house, making sure to pick up a medium coffee black for her and a medium tea black for me. We sit in her living room, drink our hot beverages and discuss the week we each have had. We...
Small Faith

Small Faith

{{Today is Friday!!!  It is the day I link with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Here is how it works…. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. Everyone writes on the same word. Equals a great time.}} The word prompt today is …. Small....