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Friday means looking at the word prompt and joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Many of us writing on that same word. Today’s prompt is … Lift. This past week, an old friend called. We talked on the phone for...

Let’s Hold Hands

“Remember we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” (Emily Kimbrough) Have you ever noticed that once we have stumbled a bit, we never forget the hand of the one who came alongside of us. We remember the...

“I’m With You”

“Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: I’m with you kid, let’s go!” (Maya Angelou) Some days we all just need that little push. Someone to come alongside of us, whispering an encouraging word which infuses determination to keep on and...

Let’s Choose Joy

Blogging and social media were waters which I had tread upon slowly and with caution. Over the last few years, they have proven to be a place where rich and meaningful bonds have been forged in my life. New friendships have been founded and old ones renewed. Life has...

Sure of You

I put Jocelyn in for a nap each day, following the same routine every time. We race down my hall to see who will get to the sound machine first and get to turn it on. Somehow, she always wins 🙂 Not sure if it is the head start she gives herself or that she pushes past...