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Today I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. All of us writing on that same word. Today’s prompt is … Whole. I went to bed with two thoughts on my heart. One was of the moral failure of a young man. The other...

Day 28: Where Are They?

They had caught her in the act. The act of adultery, which was punishable by death. There was  no concern for the woman, who remains nameless. They were only attempting to trap Jesus in a theological debate. They gave no thought to the woman. Their only thought was...
It's All For Good

It's All For Good

This week brings a close to the study of the events of Joseph’s life. His father, Jacob, has died and been buried. Joseph and his brothers have returned to Egypt. Interesting to see what transpires next: It can be difficult to forgive ourselves. Upon returning...

Friends Even Longer

I read a quote about a week ago in which Piglet asks a question about “forever friends”,  pointing to the longing in all our hearts – we desire “forever” friends. A forever friend – the kind who stays through thick and thin. Good...

5: Of Friendship, Prayer & Serving

We all have made it through a week of snow, school and work cancellations, and chopping ice dams. Look at this way, we are a week closer to the arrival of spring 🙂 Let me share with you a few reads I enjoyed over the week: 1) Our stories matter. We look back at our...