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Most Fridays, I join Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. All of us writing on that same word. Today the word prompt is … Doubt Doubt. We all experience the feeling now and then during the course of our days...

"What did He say?"

I cannot remember a time in which I did not believe in God. My difficulty seems to lie with believing God, believing and trusting His Word to be active in my life. I can surely believe it for everyone around me, but struggle with believing God for me, well ….....
How Can I Be Sure?

How Can I Be Sure?

Doubts. We all experience them at times in our lives. But most often we tend to keep them to ourselves. In his book, How Can I Be Sure?, author John Stevens addresses the struggle of faith and doubt. This is a short book which I read in one sitting. The author...
Doubts Can Bring Faith

Doubts Can Bring Faith

Doubts. We all have them. I have had them over the course of my life. At those times  … how I have wanted to hide them. Deny them. Pretend I didn’t have them. But they were there. Doubt has been defined as … “to be uncertain about; consider...