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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Doubt. A quick flip to the dictionary brings this meaning to the word “doubt” … “to be uncertain about;...

Our God is Not Slow

“Slow”  can be defined as moving with less speed than required or needed. It’s not a word which applies to my family as we tend to do a lot of things on the fast side, like eating, which isn’t always good. Therefore, the expectation is also that God should...

Our Justifier, Salvation & Solid Rock

The book of Romans has brought much encouragement over the last week with Romans 3:24-31 being a powerful place to pick up again. Justification is more than just forgiveness. It is a slate continually wiped clean, freeing us from what we truly deserve. Every single...

Questions & Promises

“Will the Lord reject forever? And will He never be favorable again? Has His favor ceased forever? Has His promise come to an end forever?” (Psalm 77: 7-8,NASB) “Asking questions is much easier than answering them. If you have children or...


This post was begun and then the book was in my mailbox. The timing of its arrival was not lost on me. The day had been emotionally overwhelming, the one year anniversary of the pandemic was duly noted, and I was tired of waiting. In her latest book, Flooded: The Best...