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Covenants & Rainbows

I am not quite sure how it happens but every now & then it does. I am talking about the moment that….. ~~~~the ordinary becomes extraordinary. I had one of those last night. I was driving home from a meeting. The meeting was already unique for me. I met with...
Dear Weary Mom

Dear Weary Mom

Dear Weary Mom – I know you can do it. The end is in sight. You have come this far so don’t give up! You can: make one more lunch help with one more homework assignment wash those school uniforms (or clothes) make snacks for the class chaperone one more...
Dear Weary Mom

His Mercies Are New

Dear Weary Mom – It is amazing how such a little life can bring such fatigue. It is a fatigue beyond any other. Truly. There are days that we just long for them to go down for a nap – easily – without crying, without rocking till our arms feel like...

He Is Big, We Are Small

Some years ago, my mom discovered that she had a poetic streak in her. We used to look forward to getting a card from her, in which, she would write a limerick to describe what was going on in our family. We would all laugh till the tears fell. None of us knew she had...

Wise Women Build

Today I have been thinking about domestic abuse. Here are some facts: Domestic abuse is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 & 44. There are 1500 shelters for battered women in the United States compared to 3800 animal shelters. Granted both...