by Joanne | Oct 7, 2015 | 31 Questions Jesus Asked, Book Reviews
I enjoy watching HGTV. I am especially hooked on any shows that feature home renovations. Often I find one which will feature a homeowner who begins a project but gives up somewhere in the midst of the project and usually when the mess is at its worst. One day, Jesus...
by Joanne | Sep 25, 2015 | Book Reviews
Prayer. It always remains a mystery. At times our prayers are vibrant and the words flow freely, rapidly, and with ease. And some days, we may feel like our prayers are in need of a defibrillator. In her book, Pray Deep: Ignite Your Prayer Life in 21 Days, Kathryn...
by Joanne | Sep 23, 2015 | Book Reviews, Devoted Living
Transition. It’s been a word running through my head for the last few weeks. Maybe because we are in transition as my littlest granddaughter started pre-school this fall. Our schedules did change, for both of us. I embraced the transition as it meant two...
by Joanne | Sep 22, 2015 | Book Reviews
My son had been coaching high school girls’ basketball for several years when the opportunity to coach a college team was offered. So when the opportunity came to read You Win in the Locker Room First, The 7 C’s to Build a Winning Team in Business, Sports,...
by Joanne | Aug 29, 2015 | Book Reviews
Yesterday I received my copy of My First Hands-On Bible. I was both surprised and delighted with what I held in my hands. This pretty pink, soft leather like, Bible is just precious and sure to engage toddlers for years to come. This Bible has been formatted in such a...