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Read, Feed, Lead: Judges For You

Read, Feed, Lead: Judges For You

I recently had the opportunity to read Judges For You by Timothy Keller.  While I have read other books by Keller, this is my first in the Good Book Series. The book is written in an expository/commentary book style. I found the book to be engaging & for the use...
Named By God

Named By God

Some time in June, I saw a tweet concerning a book giveaway on Facebook by an author I had never heard of. So, what the heck, it would be free & only required a comment. A few weeks passed & I came home from a weekend away to find a package in our mail...
A Must Have Parental Resource

A Must Have Parental Resource

During the years I was raising my children, they did come & ask difficult questions about Christianity, faith & the church. Some questions were easier to answer than others. There were times I had to respond, “I don’t know but I will look for the...
Revelation by Alun Ebenezer: A Book Review

Revelation by Alun Ebenezer: A Book Review

I recently had the opportunity to read the book Revelation by Alun Ebenezer. Revelation is the last book of the Bible. It has been termed as the most difficult book to comprehend & many find it intimidating because of its subject matter. The author does a...
Is He “Everything”?

Is He “Everything”?

Earlier this week I finished reading Everything by Mary DeMuth. Although she has authored some fourteen books, somehow I had missed ever hearing about any of them or of her. This is the first of her writings that I have read. I cannot say enough about this book. I...