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Giving and Receiving Help

Giving and Receiving Help

We all love to be the person who comes alongside of the one needing help. We can lend an ear and listen, maybe provide an answer, solution, or encouragement. We can prepare a meal and bring it over. Send a surprise to be delivered. A simple phone call, hearing a...
Now is the Time

Now is the Time

What a week of wild weather everywhere – from nor’easters to tornados, to flooding rains – no matter where you live, something was impacting the area. Our God is in control of it all – the wind and the rains. A recent read of Psalm 100, in...
The Gentle Whisper

The Gentle Whisper

The world is a noisy place and as we turned the calendar to a new year, it became clear it was about to get even noisier. The news can be found 24/7 on many channels, social media is constant, and the internet is full of information. All of it seems to clamor for our...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Say. What can I say? It’s been a long season, a longer than usual stretch of time. It’s been a challenging time, with ups...