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Practice Righteousness {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Practice Righteousness {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

I am continuing to read the letters of John as I am doing the study Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt by The Daily Grace Co. I am not an affiliate, only recommending a wonderful Bible Study. Reading 1 John 2:28-3:3, and there is so much packed into these few verses. Here we...
Praise  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Praise {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Spending time in the last few chapters of Psalms has been so good for my soul. Sometimes we need to be encouraged to simply give God praise. Amen? The heading on Psalm 146 in my Bible reads:”God Praised for His Help.” We receive help from God every single...
Three Things {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Three Things {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The news can be so discouraging. Even more so, the words we read on social media. We all have an opinion and we seem to think our opinion is the only right one, therefore, everyone should agree with us. It can get overwhelming at times to realize the level of discord...
Unity, Blessing & Life {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Unity, Blessing & Life {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

As I listen to those around me worry and debate about the election and world events, I find the only way to settle my soul is by reminding myself it is God alone who is in control of all things. These matters are beyond my understanding and control. Quieting myself...