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One Word 2025 {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

One Word 2025 {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

It was a strange month. Since Thanksgiving everyone was sick with each part of our family getting hit with something different, yet unable to get well. As the weeks since Thanksgiving began to pass, I was pretty certain I was not going to do, or have, a One Word 2025....
Continue to Grow {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Continue to Grow {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

During the Advent season, so many of us are looking at the lives of Elizabeth, Zechariah, and John. In Luke 1:80, we find the description of the manner in which John grew as a child: “And the child continued to grow and to become strong in spirit.” (NASB)...
Of Priests & Doubt  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Of Priests & Doubt {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

In Luke 1, we find Zechariah. The priest doing his priestly duties. Nothing out of the ordinary for this man. I recently read this one sentence describing Zechariah, and the priesthood: “They [the priests] were set apart by God to lead the nation in...
So That You May Know   {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

So That You May Know {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

I like having a portal with our doctors as I am able to go home and read for myself all which was being typed while we were in the exam room. Their summaries often include details about our conversations and their observations, some of which are helpful and...
We Are Loved to Love  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

We Are Loved to Love {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

One day last week, I sat with 1 John 4:12-16 open before me. I have to be honest, I don’t think it has ever read so powerfully as it did that morning. Verse 12 captured my complete attention. “No one has see God at any time; if we love one another, God...
Love – Even When   {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Love – Even When {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Only about half way through November and the month has already brought several critical lessons. One which has been in the front of our mind is our need to love one another. It is good for us to realize not only our great need to love one another, but how often we...