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One Word 2023 {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

At some point towards the end of November, I felt pretty certain I would not have a new word for 2023. Truth be told, I did not want one. I had begun to participate in One Word in 2014 and thought it might just be time to skip a year. In 2014 – it was Faith. In 2015...

Wilderness Preparations {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

“Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him!” (Matthew 3:3b, NLT) The words of John the Baptist seem to resound even more this time of year. His very words are taken from the Old Testament book of Isaiah: “Listen! It’s the voice of someone...

From the Beginning {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

It is amazing how Christmas always remains a most special and sacred time of year. No matter how familiar the songs, or the words of the story may be, Christmas always holds something new. At the start of the Advent season, I turned to read the familiar story in each...

New Mercies {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Early mornings have long been my favorite time of the day, especially when they are unhurried. It is in the stillness and quiet darkness my soul can take refuge in God’s Word. A few days after the time change, the sky was especially beautiful, bursting forth...