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Where’s Your Treasure? {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The banking crisis has caught the attention of most people these days. It is fascinating to read articles as to how it should be corrected, what to keep an eye on, and suggestions for the average person. We have not accumulated much, but we have worked hard to get...

Really Love Them {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

In his book, “Love Does”, Bob Goff makes these observations: The ones Jesus first picked to follow Him started out typical, to be sure. God is constantly inviting them into a life that moves away from the typical. Jesus lets us be real with our life and our faith....

Let’s Grow & Mature {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

If you have raised children, you probably already know what I am going to share … Potty training is a most challenging task. Everyone makes it sound like all children turn a particular age and magically become potty trained. And for some, it may be true as there are...