by Joanne | Jun 27, 2023 | Let's Have Coffee, Uncategorized
I need reminders of what I believe and why. Maybe you do too. In my Bible is a copy of The Apostles Creed which I move forward each time I get a new Bible. When I hear or sing Rich Mullins’ song, Creed, my soul swells with the reminders which flood my soul. Why?...
by Joanne | Jun 20, 2023 | Let's Have Coffee
I discovered Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood when our daughter was a toddler. It was before cable and the “on demand” features we have available nowadays. But when I needed thirty minutes to get dinner started, or mop the kitchen floor, it was a sure...
by Joanne | Jun 13, 2023 | Let's Have Coffee
For one week each summer, we vacation at a lake. We love the beauty of the water and the mountains. It’s a week of relaxation, laughter and the company of one another. But I am the one who, while I enjoy the water, also fear the water. So I send out one family...
by Joanne | Jun 6, 2023 | Encouragement, Let's Have Coffee
Why read a devotional and Scripture every day, one might ask? The question I often find myself asking is, “How can I even go a day without reading my devotional and Scripture?” God seems to know exactly what I need to read, and of course He does, for He is...
by Joanne | May 30, 2023 | Let's Have Coffee, Uncategorized
I keep circling around to one thought – Life is a battle. The battles may be spiritual, physical, emotional, relational, or a combination. But none the less, they are real and difficult and we just want to come through them. The more I kept thinking about...
by Joanne | May 23, 2023 | Let's Have Coffee, Uncategorized
Last year we divided and moved some plants from one part of our yard to another. They were good hardy plants, had grown quite large, and would fill in another border quite nicely. They were plants we had not ever before divided, nor moved, and were giving it our best...