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For the Rest of My Days {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The alarm clock went off in the darkness of the morning – that is, my internal alarm clock. Waking me from a comforting sleep and the warmth of our bed, the words echoed in my mind: “Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty...

All the Way {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Games. An amusement or pastime. The NY Times has a few games which have quickly become favorites for our family. Recently while playing the Connections game, two of the connections were of a biblical nature. One category was books of the Bible, while the other was...

Keep an Unbroken Watch {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

She wakes and comes walking into the family room still sleepy eyed. She heads to the couch to look out the windows which overlook our yard. Our five YO granddaughter had slept over and now is quietly sitting and watching out. “When are your aminals going to come...