Savor the Wait

My social media feeds are filled with Christmas trees, Christmas lights, wrapped presents, and homes all decked out cheerfully. It’s as if we have had enough of all the events of the year and have moved onto Christmas. Advent. The time of waiting. The time of...

Be Thankful

Thanksgiving will soon be here and my thoughts are turning towards giving thanks. I thought it was a good time to share a post I had written for Woman to Woman Ministries in 2019.   At times, we may wonder what God’s will is for our lives. When His will is...

This Little Light of Mine

Children, especially toddlers, are the most amazing humans. Well, that is my opinion. Being in the “Mimi” stage of life can bring a much different perspective of said humans, as I give them back at the end of our time together, and that can make all the...

The Best Day

The change of seasons is my favorite part of living in New England. Do I have a favorite season? No, not really, as I would not want to give up any one of them. It’s autumn – the seasons are changing once again. It continually amazes me to see the sunrise in a...

Even More

Every day there are things we could do “even more” and in so doing, these actions would be beneficial to our lives. As I’ve been reading Scripture lately, I have been noticing repeated words or small words which seem to stand out above others. It was...

Flames, Daily Activities & Growth

“This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” (2 Timothy 1:6, NLT) It’s always a good time for us to be reminded to keep up with the task of “fanning our flames.” I love...