by Joanne | Dec 16, 2020 | Encouragement
Advent – the season and time of waiting, and yet, time continues on. Life still unfolds, the days pass, and we still are in a pattern of waiting. And in the wait, smack dab in the middle of an Advent reading schedule, there sits a Psalm waiting. The words are...
by Joanne | Dec 14, 2020 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
I sat in the early morning darkness, waiting for the sun to rise. It was already evident the fog was thick and drizzly. The sunrise would not be brilliant and rich with color, but more like a black and white photo; yet the light of the morn still burst through the...
by Joanne | Dec 9, 2020 | Encouragement, Quotes & Thoughts
“Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him!” (Matthew 3:3b, NLT) The words of John the Baptist seem to resound even more this time of year. His very words are taken from the Old Testament book of Isaiah: “Listen! It’s the...
by Joanne | Dec 3, 2020 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
Last night my husband and I went to buy our Christmas tree. We went to the same Christmas tree lot which is just a mile down the road from our house. It was a different experience – less people, everyone masked, and instead of friendly chatter between shoppers,...
by Joanne | Dec 2, 2020 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
The book arrived as a gift from a dear friend and I will admit – it has been mighty tempting not to begin reading it. While I only quickly flipped through to get a feel for what would lay ahead, I haven’t begun to read the pages. But the title of the book...
by Joanne | Nov 19, 2020 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
My social media feeds are filled with Christmas trees, Christmas lights, wrapped presents, and homes all decked out cheerfully. It’s as if we have had enough of all the events of the year and have moved onto Christmas. Advent. The time of waiting. The time of...