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He Knows Us Entirely

A few days of reading in the Psalms brings the reminder we can rest in His promises because He knows entirely. And He knows us entirely. Entirely, according to means, “wholly or fully; completely or unreservedly; solely or exclusively; totally,...

Come & Listen

I was tired so I headed to bed an hour earlier than usual knowing full well it might mean waking up even earlier than usual. And I was correct. It was a quiet morning as one would expect at this early hour. An occasional car passes. The air is still and there is...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Doubt. A quick flip to the dictionary brings this meaning to the word “doubt” … “to be uncertain about;...

Open Our Eyes

Home. They say “home is where the heart is” and I fully agree. So it is safe to say, I love my home. It is where my family has lived for the last nearly thirty one years. It may not be the largest home on my street. Nor the one most updated. But it is home. It is...