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The First Taste

Sitting in the restaurant, we each ordered our food. Once the food arrived, while we each looked appreciatively at our own plates, her eyes roamed the table until she finally settled on one plate and said, “That looks so interesting. What did you order? I would...

A Mother’s Day Prayer

Being a mother is the most rewarding, challenging and difficult job a woman can have in her lifetime. No job will make her laugh more, nor cry more, and sometimes on the same day! I believe every woman will find a glimpse of herself in this video. Praying for every...

The Desert Will Bloom

It was a mostly dry April and so the heavy rains we have had were needed. The grass thickened and turned green, the trees budded, and flowers are coming up. “Drought” as defined by is “a period of dry weather, an especially long one that is...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Realize. Realize is defined as: “to grasp or understand clearly” (per Like many, I have watched the...

Stand Firm & Wait

One of the hardest things to do is “wait”. Waiting doesn’t sound like a faith word, or even a word that demonstrates believing God. Waiting almost seems to have a faltering connotation, like what one would do at those times when one has no idea what else to do....