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As We Come to Sit

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joy of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.” (Psalm 34:8) The quote has been in one of my Bibles for years: Our souls will long for...

Jesus, Only Jesus

Friendship is such a gift. Morning time, with a seminarian friend, brings such precious thoughts each time we connect. She has stretched me as she gently shares and affirms and loves. One morning the book put the following question before us to discuss: “The...

The Only Light

There are many ways we pursue our calling. We become involved in our schools, our churches, our neighborhoods, and organizations. We can often be amazed by the achievements or successes of those around us. Even as I write the word, “astounding”, I am...

You Are Leaving A Legacy

Yesterday was the day I finally tore off the top page of my desk blotter which also serves as my calendar. And it still read “August”. I kid you not. It is hard to believe it is now November and three months have slipped by. It is a new season as summer...

Whatever Happens … Rejoice!

“Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord.” (Philippians 3:1, NLT) In the early morning light, it was the one sentence that stood out from the entire passage. The author, Paul, continually reminds us to delight ourselves in the...

Ancestry, Christmas & Covenant

We sit chatting, she and I, about ancestry. She shares how the TV commercials, for discovering your background and DNA, drive her crazy. She makes the statement, “All our roots go back to the beginning.” A few days later, hubby and I make a stop to Home...