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Secrets of the Happy Soul

Our country, and our world, are in the middle of a pandemic which is challenging us all to rise above. In her book, Secrets Of The Happy Soul, Katie Orr shares the one true path to happiness. How do we do it? How do we stay in God’s Word and experience the life...

Little Words Jumbo Coloring Book

Having a nineteen month old granddaughter who has become very interested in pen and pencils, the “Little Words Jumbo Coloring Book” was a delight to receive. The book is is filled with pages that are sure to engage young children. The pages are filled with...

Mama Kisses, Papa Hugs

Mama Kisses, Papa Hugs is a delightful children’s book written by Lisa Tawn Bergren and illustrated by Aleksandar Zolotic. Children love a bedtime story and this is a wonderful story which will bring comfort, peace, and rest to children. The book tells the story...

Made to Move Mountains

Mountains – AKA, difficult situations – are faced by each one of us at one time or another. Mountains are those circumstances which seem impossible and unyielding to change. And yet, God asks us to believe that He alone is able to move them. In her latest...

Journey to the Cross

Lent. It is the forty day span which comes before Easter. It’s a time of reflection and preparation for Easter. While my family did not celebrate Lent, forty days to reflect on the ministry, life, and death of Christ is most beneficial to our lives. We need to...

Little Faith, Big God

Hebrews 11 is a familiar chapter to so many. Often called the “Faith Chapter” or “The Hall of Faith”, it is in this chapter we find the list of impressive heroes of the faith. It is here we find stories of men and women whose heroic faith and...