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He Will Not Forget Us

He Will Not Forget Us {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

It's been days of returning to the prophets and reading their words. Yesterday I shared Habakkuk's words (HERE) and the way his words point to the unchanging qualities of our God. He is wise, just, faithful, eternal, and always at work. This morning another prophet...

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A New View of God

A New View of God

Habakkuk. A small three chapter book tucked away in the midst of the Old Testament. Habakkuk could have been alive today, in our country, and asking those same questions pertinent to the days in which we live. He saw the wickedness and injustices all around him. He...

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Wisdom Has a Voice

Wisdom Has a Voice

We gather our information from a variety of sources. Yet all sources are not created equally, and wisdom is needed in order to sort information wisely. Not all information is helpful or right for every person. We are unique individuals, molded by God, and on the paths...

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Be An Influence

Be An Influence

"Then the Lord said to Noah, “Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time." (Genesis 7:1, NASB) "The children of Noah faced a significant decision ... Noah's sons had to choose whether to believe those...

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GPS & Guidance

GPS & Guidance

I am a GPS person. Perhaps you are as well. Let me explain. When going to a new place, unsure of where to go, it brings me both peace and comfort to hear my GPS system talking to me as I go along. She knows exactly where I am to turn, how far of a distance I need to...

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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Specific. My Gram was a woman of prayer. Serious prayer. One of my fondest memories of her is when she would babysit us at night so...

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