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Sing a Song

Sing a Song

"Sing for joy in the Lord, O you righteous ones; Praise is becoming to the upright." (Psalm 33:1, NASB) "Have you sung a new song lately?...   We get a new song from several sources. First, we get a new song from God's Word ... He gives us new insights from His...

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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Engage. The dictionary defines 'engage' as "being deeply busy or occupied or involved with" ( We know when we do not...

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As Little Children

As Little Children {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

When you spend some time with little children, you quickly come to recognize how they truly enjoy life. They live with a transparency that expresses their wants and emotions, putting them out there for everyone to see. They want to tell you everything they know. I...

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The Waves of Life

The Waves of Life

“What are are you doing?” It’s the question posed to me as soon as I answer the ringing of the phone. I respond that I was watching a few minutes of the news. The voice on the other end tells me to shut it off as it is all so depressing. I respond it is good to be...

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Entrusted Works

Entrusted Works {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Each of us has been created with different bents and talents. We are so uniquely made, there will never be another one of us. Each day we all do many various tasks, often feeling like a million things. We can do all of these because we are people, and as such, we are...

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No Greater Sacrifice

No Greater Sacrifice

This past week was Ash Wednesday, and the start of Lent. Lent – the season of giving up, of sacrifice. As the days approached, nothing was on my heart to give up. And so, I decided to give up on giving up. Over the forty days of Lent, I want to solely focus on Jesus...

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