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With Jocelyn now being “on the go ” each day, I was reminded of a post I had written about two years ago. While written with moms of little ones in mind, they truly do apply for any stage of parenting. And so, here is that post, somewhat edited….

Spending any amount of time, a few hours or all day, with a young mom can be so telling. Now that I am beyond that stage of my life, I realize just how much stress is in the life of a young mom. It raises a few questions in my mind…

  • Was I that stressed out as a young mom? (***I will not need an email from anyone to confirm what I already know that answer to be!)
  • Did I worry about things that I need not worry about? (Again see comment in parenthesis above!)
  • Did I put undue pressure on myself to do things perfectly or differently even though I was truly doing the best that I could? (see previous comments in parenthesis above!)
  • Why? Why do we do this?

And so today’s post is just some simple thoughts on mothering and/or parenting, should you be a guy. Maybe it will take some chains off even one person. Perhaps it will loosen the last link from even from me. So here we go….

  1. If you are a mom, you are already a hero to that little one. They love you and think you are the best thing. Even better than “ballila” ice cream.
  2. It really is OK to leave dishes in the sink. It means you were busy loving on your children which is far more important.
  3. If someone comes over for a visit and should wash said dishes in sink, it is not meant as a criticism. It means they love you deeply and are glad to lighten your burden.
  4. Mothering/parenting is HARD. I have said it and will continue to say it – it is the hardest work I have ever done.
  5. Each woman’s experiences are her own. Don’t compare. You are an individual as are each of your children.
  6. Yes, you are normal if you stay glued to the baby monitor to watch your little one sleep. Although you will need to seek help if they are 30 years old and you have put a tracking device on them.
  7. Just because you love being a mom doesn’t mean that you will not hate the clutter. That is OK. One day you will find the moldy cracker under the couch cushion or the binkie under the bed and cry. Seriously you will.
  8. Everyone has an opinion on how YOU should mother. Guess what? Live to please only One – God.
  9. There are times that just to make it through the day means you were successful.
  10. It’s OK to stay in your pj’s for the day. It really is. It may even be therapeutic.

And probably the best one…

11. Breathe. You really will make it through.

Yes, mothering/parenting is one of those tasks that you know you do by the grace of God. His grace. His strength. His mercy. His enabling. Take the pressure off of yourself.

Breathe and Love.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
(1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV). 


Today I am linking with … Three Word Wed. and A Little R & R and Wholehearted Wed. and Whimsical Wed. and Imperfect Prose and Works For Me and Wedded Wed. and Wordless Wed. and Wed. Prayer Girls and Faith & Fellowship .