We meet for Bible Study on Wednesday mornings. Yesterday we were six women, interestingly all moms. Discussion turns to the fact that God has deposited gifts and talents into each of our lives. He has purpose for each of us and our gifts will be used within the context of His plans being worked out in our lives. None of us the same. Each purpose unique to us.
We shared that at times we have felt that our purposes have been sabotaged. Short-circuited if you will. Unattained. Yet we still feel a nagging inside of us to pursue those passions inside of us.
I drove home still thinking about the entire conversation ……
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
(Matthew 6:21, NLT)
I looked at that verse all afternoon and returned to it last night. I had always looked at that Scripture in context of accumulating wealth and possessions. But I found myself wondering if I could not re-word that verse this way: “Find the passion that He has planted deep in your heart and you will find the treasure He has placed in you.”
What if the desires of my heart line up with the gifts He has deposited in my life and given me a passion to pursue? Could He mean that as I pursue my passion, develop and use my God given gifts that I will bear fruit and store treasure in heaven?
I sat reading this portion in Matthew and looking up all the cross references, wanting some answers or clues to show me if I were on the right track. One of the cross references in my Bible led me to continue reading:
Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with those in need. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life. (1 Timothy 6: 18-19, NLT).
There it was again…using your resources to bless and help others stores up treasure. Our resources also include the gifts He has given us which are to be used for the benefit and edification of our community. Those we are journeying with in this life need what we can bring to the table. And we need what they can also bring. Our lives are enriched by one another.
Still pondering. But I am truly beginning to believe that as we look inside our heart, and discover what we are passionate about, we are going to find the purpose that He planned for our lives.
Our hearts and our treasures are divinely linked together.
May we uncover the treasure and experience true life.
(photo by freedigitalphotos.net/digitalart)
Linking with … Thurs. Favorite Things and Time Travel Thurs. and Word Filled Wed. and Thriving Thurs. and Thankful Thurs. and Blog Lovin’ and Little Things Thurs. and Hearts For Home and Thoughtful Thurs. and Share The Joy Thurs. and Thrive At Home .
I agree with your take on these scriptures. I have always believed that when we are asked to tithe it means not only with money but also with your time and talents. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Wendy – May we share all that we have been given. The blessing will truly be ours for having done so. I am glad that you shared here with me as well!
I believe life’s journey is a discovery of who we are through the Providence of the Almighty God. I learn more and more about me every day! And so this day begins!!! Wishing you well!!
And may we discover more about Him each day as well in our journey. So glad that you stopped here.
Timely words! I often find myself striving hard in my passions and I have to ask myself often if this is God’s plan for me. It’s a hard balance to know what is His plan and what is mine. I hope they align.
Kim, that is so true. Perhaps it is as we pray that He aligns our hearts with His that we find that our plans mesh with His. Grateful that you shared!
You’ve discovered a truth by thinking with your heart. Excellent!
A great reminder to use our gifts for the glory of God… Thanks for linking up to Thrive @ Home Thursday!