I just finished reading A Hope Deferred
by J. Stephen Yuille. This is a beautiful book which examines the process of adoption both spiritually and within our earthly families. The author tells the story of their own process of adopting placing it alongside the truths of our being forever placed into God’s family.
The author weaves his story through the truths of Romans Chapter 8 examining:
- our cleansed sins
- our renewed affections
- our satisfied longings
- our answered prayers
- our sanctified afflictions and
- our defeated enemies
This book is a practical application of Romans 8 to our everyday lives. Each chapter of his own narrative poignantly points us to God, our Father, who pursues us endlessly out of desire for us. He gives us this description of God, Our Father:
We rest in him as the dearest father, the wisest guide, the strongest shield, the greatest good, the closest friend, the richest grace, the highest honor, the kindest comfort, the finest beauty, the deepest truth, and the sweetest love. He gives meaning in the midst of a chaotic world. He gives assurance in the midst of an uncertain world. He gives hope in the midst of a despairing world. He gives purpose in the midst of an apathetic world. He gives truth in the midst of a deceiving world. He gives light in the midst of a dark work. He gives direction in the midst of a confusing world. He gives happiness in the midst of a depressing world. He gives love in the midst of a hating world. He gives faith in the midst of an antagonistic world. He gives contentment in the midst of an anxious world. He gives peace in the midst of a turbulent world. (page 89)
He is a Father that is always there for His children, providing for their every need.
And He is our Father.
This is a book that is a wonderful read. It is a moving story of one couple’s struggle with infertility and adoption. Even more so, it is a book full of the truth, which is, God is our Father and we are His children.
**I received this book for free from Shepherd Press via Cross Focused Reviews for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.