I heard a sermon over the summer about getting out of the boat.
It was then some funny things began to happen in my life….
This chicken of a woman began doing a few things I never dreamed I would do…..
- I submitted a story and it was included in Couch Rebels
- I am participating in a project to raise money for a home in Kenya that is currently housing 12 teen moms and their babies. It is now in Phase 2 of the project.
- I joined an online Bible Study group that has been a blessing beyond words – Hello Mornings.
But God is keeping me out of the boat. Still.
Enter 31 Days.
I had been seeing a few blog posts about it. I wondered what it was as I had never heard of it before. Then the hashtags began. And my curiosity was peaked. A little investigating and I learned that it was a challenge of sorts. I had pretty much decided it was not going to be for me. I would be out of my league. But during my car ride to church alone, God began His nudging and how does one resist His nudging?
Yesterday we spent some time trying to figure out a blog button. Heck, it took three adults and I won’t admit to how much time. But it was figured out. Now I am ready.
Starting October 1st, I will be joining many others who blog in The Nester’s 31 Days of Writing. You can join too if you’d like. For 31 days, I will be writing on 31 Days of Holding. I have no idea whatsoever what I am doing. Seriously. There are so many wonderful bloggers that are participating. All I know is this – in my heart I feel compelled to join in. I am hoping that someone will read and enjoy my thoughts on holding – what our God holds, what we hold, why we hold and other thoughts that come on holding. I am excited to see what the next 31 days will teach me, teach us. You can follow the full 31 days by using the category 31 Days of Holding in my sidebar which will always land you here.
Since I am out of my boat, which means I am also out on the waters and I truly do not know how to swim, I hope you will pray for me. Pray that I will be able to complete this challenge of sorts. So here I go….
Day 1: Â Hold An Ocean
Day 2: Â He Holds Me
Day 3: Â We Hold Onto The Shore
Day 4:Â Â He Writes, We Hold
Day 5:Â Â Holding Out New Links
Day 6:Â Â He Holds My Portion
Day 7:Â Â Who Holds My Dreams?
Day 8:Â Â He Holds My Worries
Day 9:Â Â Hold Out Words
Day 10: Hold On, Hold Out
Day 11: He Holds The Ordinary
Day 12: Holding Out New Links {Part 2}
Day 13: He Holds My Uncertainties
Day 14: I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Day 15: He Holds The Broken Pieces
Day 16: We Hold Onto His Promises
Day 17: He Holds My Nourishment
Day 18: He Holds My Laundry
Day 19: Holding Out New Links {Part 3}
Day 20: He Holds The “Amen”
Day 21: Who Holds The Wind?
Day 22: Held And Holding
Day 23: He Holds Wonders
Day 24: We Hold Onto Victory
Day 25: He Holds Us Together
Day 26: Holding Out New Links {part 4}
Day 27: I Hold On With Prayer
Day 28: Holding On By A Thread
Day 29: Holding Onto The Blessing
Day 30: He Holds True
Day 31: Our Lives Hold Gifts
Love what you have chosen to write about for the month!!! Excited to follow along!
Thank you for your enthusiasm. I am so happy to have you follow along!
I love your topic too!! I couldn’t help but to smile over your comment on getting a blog button. I hired someone to do mine…I haven’t a clue how you’d take care of that. :)))
I will be praying for you. God is with you!!!!
LOL – I came oh so close to paying someone to do mine! But then I bothered my daughter who was willing to do it for me. Among my many challenges, I am technologically challenged as well! Should have called it 31 Days of Stretching as that is what I will be doing 🙂
Just now reading your series….It looks like once you had the faith to get out of the boat, you are now confidently swimming around! Great series! I’m now following you!
– From another “31 Dayer” who’s not so confidently swimming around right now!
I’m out of the boat but not entirely comfortable yet 🙂 Glad to have you join me!!