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When you spend some time with little children, you quickly come to recognize how they truly enjoy life. They live with a transparency that expresses their wants and emotions, putting them out there for everyone to see. They want to tell you everything they know.

I have often said that toddlers and children are my favorite people. And this is absolutely true.

They are most engaging, loving, and funny!

A recent read of Mark 10:13-16 found me thinking about children once again.

The people were bringing their children before Jesus so that Jesus might touch them (Mark 10:13). The disciples rebuked the people for doing so as they thought the children would be an annoyance to Jesus.

Jesus quickly rebukes the disciples saying:

“But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (verse 14-15, NASB)

Jesus is basically telling the people then, and us, we are to become like children. The kingdom of God belongs to such as these, or those who are like this.

What does He mean by this?

  • Children are humble. They do not have any intentions of making a name for themselves. They are not yet caught up in status nor in being recognized.
  • Children know they need help. Unlike adults, who can think they can do a task on their own, children are aware of their need of help. They know when a task is too difficult to attempt solely on their own efforts.
  • Children ask, and keep asking. They are not ashamed to ask repeatedly for something they are wanting to eat, drink, or do.

As I read these few verses, I noticed something else that I am not sure I had noticed before.

The people were bringing the children to Jesus “so that He might touch them.”

This is why the disciples rebuked them.

Touch is such an important aspect of relationship. Think about how children, and us, respond to a hug, or being stroked. It brings peace and comfort as it conveys love and compassion.

Jesus knows this and He gathers the children, and takes them in His arms. Jesus tells us to be just like these children, for Jesus loves us deeply.

Jesus wants us to approach Him.
He want us to receive His comfort and touch.
Jesus wants us to simply be with Him.




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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay