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“The troubles of my heart have enlarged; Bring me out of my distresses!” (Psalm 25:17, NKJV)

“Our first inclination in times of difficulty is to pray, “Bring me out!” But we should be praying, “Build me up.” God enlarges us by enlarging our troubles …


When we are in times of difficulty and distress, the important thing is not that we get out of it but what we get out of it. “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work” (James 1:2-4) …


Growth is often a painful process. It is through difficulty and distress that God enlarges us. Are your troubles enlarged? … Allow trials to have their “perfect work” of enlarging you … ”


(from Prayer, Praise & Promises by Warren W. Wiersbe, page 64)


Image by Sharuk Ali from Pixabay
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