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Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6, NASB)

“If you are walking daily with the Lord, you will not have to find God’s will – you will already be in it…


The disciples never had to ask Jesus where they should go next. They simply looked to see where Jesus was going and stayed close to Him! Jesus was their “way.”


Jesus will never give you a substitute for Himself. He is the only way to the Father … If you want to know God’s will, take time to cultivate your relationship with Jesus and learn to identity His voice. He is more than willing to show you the way.”


(from Experiencing God Day-by-Day by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby, page 118)



Image by Szabolcs Molnar from Pixabay
Today I may be joining … Scripture & a Snapshot .