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In watching my three granddaughters while their parents work, the noon time question would be posed, “What would you like for lunch?”

One was not particular at all. Another would answer, “pizza” every day. The other still says, “grilled cheese” most times. Sometimes we would negotiate so they would get variety or a healthier choice.

This has made me think of “food” choices. Spiritual ones that is. Scripture tells us:

“Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11, NASB)

He alone knows exactly what I need for each day. Left to my own devices, I would default to the same foods each day, not making for a healthy diet, resulting in all I need to grow and function each day.

The Israelites, for whom God provided food each day – manna. They were instructed to go and gather the exact amount each morning to meet their needs. No more. No less. And it would be enough. We’re told it tasted like honey wafers (Exodus 16:11) which I am imagining would have tasted like Vanilla Wafers.

Later Jesus would say: “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst” (John 6:35, NASB). 

  1. We need to be fed today. Much the way we need food to sustain me each day, We need to take in sustenance from God’s Word every day. A daily word. Yesterday’s was excellent, but we need a fresh word today. And we need a balanced diet.
  2. We don’t even know what we need. Much the way God provided an unknown food in the wilderness, He has a vast supply of food yet unknown to us. He knows when and how to introduce us to something new. Think of it this way, when I was a kid, there was no way anyone could get me to eat spinach. Now as an adult, it is one of my favorite vegetables. We mature and develop new taste buds as we allow Him to feed us each day.
  3. He is to be our source. Jesus repeated, “I am the bread of life!” (John 6:48, NASB). He gives us what will nourish our souls for the day so that we don’t merely survive the day, but we live in the day.

As we come to Him, each and every day, sharing with Him the demands and stresses, He will serve us exactly the portion of Himself which we need in order to face the day.

“Because our greatest spiritual need is met in Christ, we are fully satisfied.”


(from “I AM: Who Jesus is Changes Everything, page 33)

will serve us our daily bread
so that we are assured of His Provision and Presence with us.

While I have read all of these before, to have them all in one place was amazing to see and read. Thirty-two prayers. It surely reinforced for me how important it is to pray at all times, for all people, and all situations. You can read Lisa Blair’s post, “Paul’s Prayers in the Bible” HERE.




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